Grey water filtration with upcycled mussel shells for irrigation
Miti Shah, Yasmin Jaskulski, Vishesh Narola and Junaid Khan
Areti Markopoulou, Nikol Kirova
|Project year
Urban Cascade introduces a cutting-edge grey water filtration system optimized for irrigation in regions experiencing water scarcity. By harnessing a bio-based material derived from upcycled mussel shells, a prevalent waste in countries such as Spain and Chile, the solution combines the material with constructed wetlands for thorough water purification. This initiative envisions transforming our perspective on water usage in food production, emphasizing sustainable management, and fostering community resilience through eco-friendly, nature-mimicking designs and tech-enhanced optimization..
Chitosan can be extracted from the skins of crustaceans and shells of mollusks, creating the opportunity of using this waste stream as a source of chitosan which can then be upcycled to a building material that is completely biodegradable and after its lifespan can be used as fertilizer for crops.
Focused on repurposing household greywater for irrigation, filtration methods were explored like chitosan and constructed wetlands. Integrating chitosan for primary filtration and employing wetlands for secondary filtration showcased the potential to source chitosan from abundant mussel shells in Spain.
Rigorous experiments confirmed the new material’s efficacy in altering pH levels, absorbing impurities, and optimizing water treatment. These findings established essential design parameters, especially concerning the material’s practical applications in tiles and unit-level components.
Mold detail
The project culminates with a targeted intervention in Galicia, Spain, an area confronted by water stress and abundant mussel shells. The meticulous site analysis pinpointed a suitable park in Vigo for implementation, aligning seamlessly with the project’s vision. This park, endowed with diverse terrain and an existing community garden, stands as an ideal canvas to showcase the project’s potential. The objective is to elevate this space into a model illustrating the project’s approach, integrating community engagement and sustainability, thereby serving as an exemplar for urban landscapes
Looking forward, the project aspires to extend its impact by refining and scaling its approach beyond experimental phases. The team envisions a future where these validated insights find practical application, fostering sustainability and community empowerment. By integrating these innovations into broader urban contexts, the project aims to set a precedent for sustainable, community-centric solutions addressing water stress and resource utilization on a larger scale.